Strategic Plan: Provide the Most Impactful Financial Education for Learners.
Increased reach. Higher impact. Greater access. These unwavering aspirations propel us forward as we serve our mission.

A comprehensive strategic plan is developed every three years to help guide us in our continual efforts to provide effective programming to more learners across the country. Staff, volunteers, educators, funders, board members, and other partners came together during the most recent planning period to help shape Financial Beginnings' next phase. This unprecedented collaborative exercise energized the team and brought new life and direction to the organization and its collective goals.

Such collaboration across numerous stakeholders, and the strategic plan this process yielded, could not have been possible without the unwavering guidance of our strategy consultant, Gary Hubbell and the generous financial support from our community. Their belief in our mission and their dedication to our cause is felt in everything we do.

You too can become a vital part of our expanded strategic team by providing in-kind support, becoming a volunteer, spreading the word, establishing a strategic alliance, or joining a committee. Contact us to learn more!

Over the next three years, Financial Beginnings is principally focused on:
Distribution network, development, and sustainability.
Content (curricula) development and packaging.
Assessing/reporting impact.
Financial literacy advocacy.
By 2025, we hope to:
Grow Partnerships
Establish 12 new licensing partners.
Extend Footprint
Establish 6 new Financial Beginnings offices.
Expand Technology
Elevate program and service delivery via technological innovations.
Strategies to pursue goals:


Differentiate the Financial Beginnings brand by expanding audiences to include family units and parents.

Adopt a grass roots outreach approach to engage families on the importance of financial education in the home, in schools, and in the broader community.

Develop a nationwide network of qualified and committed volunteers.

Differentiate the Financial Beginnings brand by positioning the organization as a versatile, high-quality/high-impact personal finance content and programming provider.

Leverage paid and earned national media to raise awareness and interest surrounding financial education broadly and Financial Beginnings specifically.

Become part of the national discourse on equitable financial education by establishing strategic alliances with national organizations that advocate for related causes.


Offer a tiered membership model.

Utilize nonrevenue generating networks to grow the brand.

Deploy a team to grow membership.

Leverage networks of local relationships to expand nationally.

Strengthen the organization's national reputation and relationships by convening a summit for ideation and elevation, engaging members, legislators, partners, and contemporaries.


Reconfigure programs/training to meet the changing education environment and organizational growth.

Develop wrap around resources to serve diverse communities.

Rapidly prototype tech platforms, adopting those with optimal fit for the future.

Develop, collect/aggregate, curate, and offer personal finance curricula.


Capitalize the acceleration of national expansion.

Redefine, diversify, and expand resource generation.

Create new revenue streams from existing partners and from existing products/capabilities.

Elevate Board attention to national expansion, advocacy, program innovation, impact assessment, corporate philanthropy, and CEO succession.

Identify areas to improve FBUSA Board governance.

Recruit and retain FBUSA Board members to align with new strategic plan.

Better align FBUSA Board representation with the communities Financial Beginnings serves.
Theory of Change
The Financial Beginnings strategic plan flows directly from our Theory of Change - the societal impact we seek through our work.
You too can play a part!

Within three years, we hope to have our programming in more states than ever and become a leader in hybrid delivery of personal finance education (in-person and via online). But we cannot do it alone! We need your help. Contact us today to find out how you can become a member of our expanded support team.

Invest in the future by helping empower others to take control of their financial futures!